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Eat Ghanaian food everyday

Ghana is blessed with a rich cultural heritage of which food forms a major part. Mention a food item and it is almost the same as mentioning a group of people in Ghana. The most beautiful aspect is the fact that you do not have to be at your hometown to have access to your local dish. An Ashanti can get fufu at Tamale and an Ewe indigene from Klefe can have access to akple in Accra. Also, we all eat Ghanaian food, whether it belongs to our ethnic group or not. This makes our culture so rich and fosters unity. Let us uphold this rich culture. In fact, if you have not tasted food from any other ethnic group, it is time to do so.

It is sad however to note that there is growing preference for food that is not Ghanaian in origin. There is nothing really wrong with importing the culture (food) of other countries. When doing so however, bring in only the healthy foods. Stop going after the fried stuff. Stop going after the very sweet drinks and stop making our Ghanaian foods look like they are not good.

Most of our Ghanaian foods are presented as healthy, well balanced meals. There is enough starch (carbohydrate) for energy. There is enough fat and oil, also needed by the body. Protein is always available in our food since we eat meat, fish, egg, beans among others. Vitamins and minerals are also superabundant in our foods.

Everything we need to make up a healthy meal is available to us in this country. The challenge is our inability to make time and prepare our own rich Ghanaian meals. Those who make time also use one or two ingredients in excessive amounts, thus making the dishes unhealthy. For example some people cook with too much salt. This is not good for a good cardiovascular (heart and blood vessels) health and well-being. Many people also cook with too much oil; take a look at a typical palava sauce! It is like drinking oil which is obviously not good for health and well-being.

As Ghanaians, when we cook palm nut soup, we must eat it for five days. On the fifth day, it would have thickened enough to be used as stew and eaten with rice or yam. The palm nut soup is not the problem but how we eat it. It is easy to gain weight after eating such an oil laden soup for so many days in a row. It is safer to eat it just once and wait a long while before going for it again. This means that preparing this soup in large amounts is not a good idea.

We also like cooking for so long, this does not help retain nutrients in some foods. In order for our foods to cook well, give off good flavour and taste great, long cooking time is common among us. Let us note that the more you cook foods like the leafy greens, the more you destroy their nutrients especially vitamins. Steaming and boiling for just few minutes is the way to go.

We often do not manage salt and cubes well when cooking. Note that they both contain sodium, a nutrient necessary for life and maintaining a good blood pressure. Taking excess amounts of this nutrient however leads to the development of high blood pressure. Ideally, if you are using cubes, do not add salt to the stew or soup.  On the other hand skip the cubes if salt is being added. We can save a lot of lives by being careful about the use of these spices (salt and cubes). Herbs are better off than these two. We have them in abundance as well; garlic, ginger, whentia, pepre, ahaliwoe, akukor besa, dawadawa, prekese, pepper (all kinds), among others. They can actually make your food tasty even if you do not use salt or cubes.

The reason why you are gaining weight is not because you eat banku, fufu, Kenkey, yam, TZ, etc. The weight is increasing because you eat too much of these foods. And also because you eat them too late at night. You are also not exercising enough because you sit in cars even over a distance that can be covered on foot.

Let us all stop giving our foods a bad name. Let us rather prepare them well, eat them in the right quantities and at the right time. Let us also eat them every day, every week and every month and not only in March which is our independence day month.

Eat well and stay healthy, God bless our homeland Ghana!!!

By Wise Chukwudi Letsa

This Post Has 22 Comments

  1. Dorcas

    Way to go, Boss. U’ve said it all

  2. Abla

    Thanks for the great piece. We shall surely stick to our Ghanaian dishes and ensure we prepare them in a healthy way. God bless you… God bless Ghana🙏🏾.

  3. Jamani Dramani

    What a great Independence Day message. Ghana is endowed and we must promote what we have as you have just done especially if it has to our health. Promoting Ghanaian foods and goods can also take Ghana beyond Aid. Have a great day brother Letsa.

  4. Millicent Adoboe

    Thank you so much. This information is solid.

  5. Saviour Komla Sobia deikumah

    How do I reduce my pot belly to six packs

    1. Wise Letsa

      Come by my office or fill the “Consult a dietician” form on the home page.

  6. Sammy Ewoade

    This is the kind of knowledge we need for homes and also for our traditional restaurants (chop bars).
    Chop bars have a very wide clientele and this is where all manner of things happen to our meals. Unfortunately, this is one eating place you cannot avoid.
    The cubes, the adulteration, the overcooking, means of preservation, etc are just a few of the ills at these eating places. But let me be quick to commend some of these chop bars that specialise in the use traditional spices and herbs. They are well known and heavily patronised. Hope you ever stopped by at Sokode to eat fufu + nukpoelà! Hahaha

    Thanks and continue to educate us on nutritional matters.


    Sammy Ewoade

  7. Sarah

    Very educative and inspiring. I need healthy eating options. Thanks for the info

  8. Joshua

    Nice Article

  9. Jones Senyo Hini

    Nice one there Doc wise, eating our local meals promote our culture and heritage; as this are the very things we are trying to sell to the rest of the world. Continue the good work and may God bless us all,OUR HOMELAND GHANA, AFRICA and the rest of the world.

  10. Rosemary Amerley Sackey

    Hello, this is a gem, very precious as diamonds and good as gold. Is it possible to introduce a restaurant that will take all these issues into consideration, certify their products and processes so people can patronize them?
    Please consider this.

  11. Benedicta

    Well said Lets.

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